
How To Train Dog Not To Chew Stuffed Animals

How to stop your dog from cheweing your stuffed animalsIs your dog chewing your stuffed animals? There is a very uncomplicated way to stop that from happeing by making a small DIY toy. It is easy and effective.

There are all but ii reasons why your dog is chewing your stuffed animals. One is very simple. Your pooch sees the stuffies as fun toys and simply has fun in the canis familiaris way.

The other reason is a bit more complicated and it has a lot to practise with you lot. If yous play too much with your stuffies there is a slight possibility that your dog is jealous. And if the canis familiaris chews your blimp animals when you are out, then it is but feeling lonely and maybe scared. The conventional mode of thinking is that the dog is making a revenge.

Actually information technology is doing something it is not supposed to exist doing on purpose. The sole goal is simply to make y'all come back, every bit information technology knows you ever come dorsum when he or she does something bad. So the dog is set to have a penalty just to accept you back. So don't act all that angry when you lot come home, encounter a stuffed animal or two chewed upwardly and your dog sitting amongs the pieces looking lamentable.

But how to prevent that?

How to stop your dog from cheweing your stuffed animals

Lifehacker has a dandy tutorial on how to make a modest DIY toy that will go along your canis familiaris'southward attention and it volition feed its desire to rip something appart. Then you can simply put the toy back together and it is ready for more play.

You need to go your easily on a Holl-ee Roller brawl. So go some strips of fleece and/or other durable fabric. Selection a size of the ball and strips that is according to the size of your dog. Nothing too small-scale that information technology can be swallowed.

Put all of the strips inside the ball and washed! Throw the ball on the floor and let your dog have a go at it.

Your pooch is not paying much attention to information technology? Then put a few treats in the ball betwixt the fabric strips. Before you know information technology the toy will be a favorite.

A few actress notes: Be around the domestic dog for the first few times information technology is playing with the toy. Notice if information technology is trying to eat pieces information technology shouldn't be and correct him or her. This will also give you a good thought if you picked the right size or if y'all need to adjust. If you aren't sure that the canis familiaris won't attempt to eat the fabric, and so employ the toy only when y'all are around it and forestall the play with blimp animals. Slowly the domestic dog will get used to chew simply the toy.

Here is the toy in action:


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